Wednesday, 24 February 2010

Research - Useful Resources

The main directors my group are looking at for research are:

Alfred HitchcockPsycho, Vertigo, Rear Window, North by Northwest, Frenzy

Quentin Tarrentino - Pulp Fiction, Reservoir Dogs, Jackie Brown, Kill Bill, Inglorious Bastards

Stanley Kubrick - A Clockwork Orange, The Shining, 2001: A Space Odyssey, Full Metal Jacket

David FincherFight Club, Seven, Panic Room, The Curious Case of Benjiman Button

Darren Aronofsky - Requiem for a Dream, Pi, The Wrestler

We are looking at these directors for a number of different reasons. Genre, cinematography, concept, editing, soundtrack, script, mise en scene and compostion.

1 comment:

  1. Have you followed this up with detail on which aspects of their style, as auteurs, will influence your work?
