Wednesday, 24 February 2010

Initial Notes on FIlm Openings

In the opening titles of most films you will see at least production company animation featured. These usually include the large distribution company, and sometimes the small independant production company.
Generally film openings always include a series of texts on screen regarding the cast, crew and the film title itself.
Usually a film opening provides anchorage for the location and the date the film is set in. This can be done with either denotations within the scene, or text on screen providing blunt anchorage.

For example, in the opening of the film Bride of Chuckie (1998) the Universal animation is play because it is the main distributor, and the text that follows also tells us this. The following text tells us the director, Ronny Vu, and the writer, Don Mancini. In the first shot we establish that the film is set in America because we see the US flag. However this could be polysemic because it could also be an embassy. The blue filter on the lense gives the shot a cold, creepy feel and the heavy rain and lightening signify that the is a horror.

In the next few shots inside the evidence depository, intertexual references are made to both Halloween and Friday the 13th because we see Michael Myers' mask and Jason Vorhees' hockey mask in the evidence lockers.
A scene on, a blonde woman dressed in a revealing black dress comes into the scene. This is for the male gaze beacause we don't see her face immidiately because the camera pans up her body revealing her figure first to introduce her character.

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